
1 Review and mapping of data for ChIP-seq analysis:

1.1 Review of bowtie and bowtie2 and mapping options

In order for the output to be a proper .sam file use the -S option to explicitly say that you want a .sam output. This is required for bowtie2, and ensures that the header is included in the .sam file which is important for downstream steps (today’s lesson).

For the next part of the course we will be working with a ChIP-seq dataset from human cells. The factor that was IP’ed was ATF1 (SRR5331338). The fastq file for the experiment and control (Input SRR5331584) is here:

It may take a while for us all to map the data, so I did it already. Here’s the commands I used.

#request 2 CPUs and 4G of RAM
srun --pty -p mcbstudent --qos=mcbstudent --mem=4G -c 2 bash

#Set a variable where my genome is 
#set variable to where raw data
#set variable to where i want output fq to go
#set variable to where i want output sam to go

mkdir data
cd data 
mkdir ATF1
cd ATF1
mkdir fastq
mkdir sam

#move 10million reads to a new file, omit the first million
zcat ${atfRaw}SRR5331338_ATF1_ChIP.fastq.gz | head -44000000 |tail -40000000 > ${atfFq}ATF1_chip_10m_230227.fastq

#load bowtie module and run Bowtie
module load bowtie2

bowtie2 -p2 -t -x $hgGen -U ${atfFq}ATF1_chip_10m_230227.fastq -S ${atfSam}ATF1_chip_10m_230227.sam 2>&1 | tee ${atfSam}ATF1_chip_10m_230227_alignment_log.txt

##LOOK at manual for options description.


module load bowtie

bowtie -p4 -v2 -m1 -x $hg_bt ${atfFq}ATF1_chip_10m_230227.fastq  -S ${atfSam}ATF1_10m_bt1_align_230227.sam 2>&1 | tee ${atfSam}ATF1_chip_10m_230227_alignment_bt1_log.txt
# Order is options, genome, reads-to-map, outfilename (can be designated with -S)

Notes (take note and let me know if you have questions!):

  • The beginning of this command skips the first million reads because they are often the most prone to errors due to technical artifacts of sequencing.
  • setting long paths to variables can help declutter command lines.
  • The names of all the output files are messy and inconsistent (ATF1_chip_10m_230227 and ATF1_chip_10m_230227_alignment). I should set a variable such as ‘prefix’ and appended .sam’ and _alignment_log.txt to the output. This would ensure that the basename of all the files is the same and I can repurpose this script to process any file in a consistent manner.
  • I made all the directories manually, but I should have checked for the presence of the directory using an if statement and only made the directory if needed. What does the -p option of mkdir specify?

2 Overview through today:

post processing flow

Figure 1: post processing flow

3 Today: Post-processing and viewing data in UCSC genome browser.

Today we will conduct basic steps in processing data after genome alignment. We will convert the data into a format that is compatible for viewing in the UCSC genome browser and for downstream analyses.

4 The Sequence Alignment/Map Format (.sam)

The most common output format from bowtie and other aligners is the SAM format. SAM format allows for storing a wealth of information about the sequence alignment in a single line of text. The format is a mix of human-readable and computer-readable information. More information can be found in the publication:, and in the manual:


.sam format

Figure 2: .sam format

There is a lot of information here, but for most analytical purposes, we can use four pieces of information contained in 4 columns. These columns are:

Interpreting the FLAG:
There are also several types of information in the FLAG. For simplicity, we only need to worry about three FLAGs:

.sam FLAGs

Figure 3: .sam FLAGs

If you do get a flag that you don’t understand, you can get the interpretation of it at this website:

In addition to the above information the CIGAR string (6th column) can also be useful. This line gives information about the nature of the alignment. (i.e. which bases matched the reference and where in the read there are any mismatches, insertions or deletions). The link below shows a decent example of how the CIGAR string relates to the alignment.

SAM / CIGAR string example:

5 Manipulating SAM/BAM files: samtools and bedtools

5.1 Creating .bam files with samtools.

SamTools is a set of utilities for manipulating SAM files. Compared to other sets of Utilities (e.g. bedtools), Samtools is somewhat limited. However, it is important that you know that it exists, and we will use it for at least one task - converting to binary sam format (BAM).

The .bam format is simply a binary version of your .sam file. This allows the file to be read faster by your computer, but it is not human readable. Try viewing the head of a .bam file and you can see that the file structure is lost to human eyes. Several downstream utilities can use .bam files as input, making this a useful step in post-processing.
The command is the samtools view, with the following usage:

module load samtools

samtools view -S -b infile.sam > outfile.bam 
# -S auto-detects input format, -b specifies bam output.

Note about samtools usage: All results are reported to standard output (i.e. to the screen). This means you have to use the > when specifying the output file. This is useful because it also means that we can use pipes (‘|’), to string together multiple samtools commands

5.2 bedtools utilities for manipulating files and performing genomic operations.

Bedtools, is a powerful ‘swiss-army knife’ (self-proclaimed) set of utilities that allows simple and complex operations to be done with minimal effort by the user. Here are some useful operations that can be performed with bedtools:

  • bamtobed - convert .bam file to .bed file
  • bamtofastq - convert .bam back to .fastq
  • bedtobam - convert .bed back to .bam
  • closest - find the closest region in one file to locations in another file
  • genomecov - compute bases covered by reads in genome
  • getfastq - extract sequence regions out of a fasta sequence file
  • intersect - get overlapping interval from various files
  • merge - merge overlapping intervals of two files
  • random - select random lines from a file

Today we will use bedtools to convert our .bam file to a .bed file and another type of file (.bedGraph) for viewing in the genome browser.

bamtobed usage:

module load bedtools

bedtools bamtobed -i infile.bam > outfile.bed # see note 

Note about Bedtools usage: As with samtools, all results are reported to standard output (i.e. to the screen). This means you have to use the > when specifying the output file.

5.3 Introduction to BED format (.bed).

Bed format (Browser Extensible Data), is a file format developed for displaying genomic data on genome browsers. You can displaying both data and annotations with bedfiles. See the UCSC genome browser for a detailed description of the .bed format. There is some critical data needed for displaying data in the browser, while other types of info are optional. Here are the column specifications for each feature:

1. chrom - chromosome
2. start - where item starts in the chromosome
3. end - where item ends on the chromosome
4. name (optional) - name (e.g. gene name) of item
5. score (optional) - number from 1-1000 that specifies shading of the item (higher number = darker)
6. strand (optional) - the strand the feature aligns to
7. thickStart
8. thickStart
9. itemRGB
10. blockCount
11. blockSizes
12. blockStarts

Specific information about bed files accepted as input to bedtools can be found here:

Here’s an example of a simple bedfile:

head -5 ATF1_ChIP_10mil.bed
## chr11    79457171    79457221    SRR5331338.1000001  255 +
## chr12    41587919    41587969    SRR5331338.1000002  255 -
## chr8 43564697    43564747    SRR5331338.1000006  255 +
## chr1 112597481   112597531   SRR5331338.1000007  255 -
## chr10    32414161    32414211    SRR5331338.1000008  255 -

Before moving forward, you must sort the bedfile for both viewing in the genome browser and for any future operations with Bedtools. Bedtools has a sort function called sortBed with the following usage:

sortBed -i infile.bed > infile_sorted.bed

From an earlier lesson, you can also use the sort shell command as follows:

sort -k1,1 -k2,2n infile.bed > infile_sorted.bed

Now look at the sorted file:

head ATF1_ChIP_10mil_sorted.bed
## chr1 10433   10483   SRR5331338.1925486  255 -
## chr1 17459   17509   SRR5331338.7795627  255 +
## chr1 17475   17525   SRR5331338.6585365  255 -
## chr1 181448  181498  SRR5331338.2607872  255 +
## chr1 182898  182948  SRR5331338.9132195  255 -
## chr1 191526  191576  SRR5331338.10621969 255 -
## chr1 456415  456465  SRR5331338.4610441  255 +
## chr1 505622  505672  SRR5331338.8028261  255 -
## chr1 606777  606827  SRR5331338.9768832  255 -
## chr1 629074  629124  SRR5331338.6454906  255 -

5.4 Creating bedGraphs for viewing in the browser

BED files as we made them have a unique line or entry for every read in your data. This provides a detailed view of the data. However, when working with large datasets, in can be an inefficient and cumbersome way to display data in the browser. bedGraphs are another way of displaying data in the browser. Instead of showing a line per read in the file (as in a .bed file), bases with data are shown with with the number of reads covering that base shown in a separate column. When possible, .bedGraph files are often more efficient than using .bed files for two reasons.

  • First, the files sizes are smaller making them easier to upload.
  • Second, the data takes up less space in the browser making it easier to view, especially when multiple data sets are being shown at once.
Bed vs Bedgraph

Figure 4: Bed vs Bedgraph

The bedtool utility genomecov can be used to create a .bedGraph from a sorted .bed file. bedtools developers provide a handy diagram about how different options handle the data:

bedtools: genomecov

Figure 5: bedtools: genomecov

For a basic bedGraph use the following format:

bedtools genomecov -bg -i infile.sorted.bed -g hg38.chrom.sizes > test.bedGraph 
# bg specifies bedgraph
#-g option is required and points to a chromosome Info file.

The hg38.chrom.sizes file is a file that specifies the chromsomes represented in the data and their lengths.
It is located here: /home/FCAM/meds5420/genomes/hg38.chrom.sizes

See what the new file looks like:

head ATF1_ChIP_10mil.bedGraph
## chr1 10433   10483   1
## chr1 17459   17475   1
## chr1 17475   17509   2
## chr1 17509   17525   1
## chr1 181448  181498  1
## chr1 182898  182948  1
## chr1 191526  191576  1
## chr1 456415  456465  1
## chr1 505622  505672  1
## chr1 606777  606827  1

More info on bedgraph format specifications can be found here.

6 In class exercise 1: Processing ChIP-seq data

Mapping and post-processing of ChIP-seq data for viewing in the genome browser as a .bed and .bedGraph file.
- The data is from a ChIP-seq experiment for the transcription factor, ATF1, in human cells.
- The file names are: SRR5331338_ATF1_ChIP.fastq.gz and SRR5331584_Control_Input.fastq.gz and the files are in the /home/FCAM/meds5420/data/ATF1/fastq folder on the server.
- Recall there is an indexed hg38 genome for bowtie2:
/home/FCAM/meds5420/genomes/hg38_bt2 - there is a chromosome size file here : /home/FCAM/meds5420/genomes/hg38.chrom.sizes

Map 10 million reads from each file to the genome with bowtie2:
1. use 4G of RAM and 4CPUs (you may have to log in again and request more memory and cores: srun --pty -p mcbstudent --qos=mcbstudent --mem=4G -c 2 bash)
2. Before aligning the data, ignore the first 1,000,000 reads, use reads 1,000,001 - 11,000,000.
3. specify .sam output in the alignment
4. Convert the output file to a .bam file (samtools)
5. Convert the previous output file to a .bed file (bedtools)
6. Sort the bed file
7. Convert the file to a bedGraph file (bedtools) - look at the manual online.
8. Create a variation bedGraph:   * One that computes coverage for only the 5’ end of the read.

7 Adding browser and tracklines to browser files

Track lines allow you to specify what data is being displayed and how to display it. Browser lines also allow you to specific where in the genome viewing will begin. There is more information from the browser on track Lines here:
There is an option in the genomecov program that allows you to do this, but these can be added easily with awk as well.

7.1 For the commands below, you must specify the following (track name, description, infile, outfile (or use infile with new suffix as below).

Adding tracklines to .bedGraph files:

#UCSC tracklines for bedgraph
awk 'BEGIN {  print "browser position chr11:5,289,521-5,291,937";
              print "track type=bedGraph name=\"NAME_bedgraph\" description=\"NAME_bedgraph\"  visibility=full autoScale=on alwaysZero=on color=0,125,0 windowingFunction=maximum"} 
           {  print $0}' INFILE.bedgraph > INFILE_header.bedgraph

Here’s another one for a .bed file that colors by strand:

#UCSC tracklines for bed file
awk 'BEGIN {  print "browser position chr11:5,289,521-5,291,937";
              print "track type=bed name=\"NAME_bed\" description=\"NAME_bed\"  visibility=squish autoScale=on colorByStrand=\"255,0,0 0,0,255\""} 
           {  print $0}' INFILE.bed > INFILE_header.bed

These awk commands are on the server in the following location: /home/FCAM/meds5420/scripts/addTrackLine_awk.txt
I would stash these commands in your awk_one_liner file if you have one.

Let’s turn this into a shell script. However, there is one tip in awk that we need to revisit to make this possible:

7.2 Escaping quotes in awk

Consider the following situation where you want to introduce a variable within a line of printed text. The text must be wrapped in quotes, therfore you try this:

#create variable

#pass variable to awk in quoted text
echo $var | awk -v var="$var" '{print "This is my track with var data"}'
## This is my track with var data

One can escape these quotes to print the variable by adding a second set of quotes. Recall that the variable has to be outside of a double quote or it will be interpreted literally and not as a variable.

#create variable

#pass variable to awk AND quote it inside quoted text
echo $var | awk -v var="$var" '{print "This is my track with " var " data"}'
## This is my track with ChIP-seq data

What if we want to add real quotes to a printed line in awk? Add a backslash \ inside of quotes to prevent awk from interpreting it. Stated differently: when we want awk to print a " string, we must precede the quote with a \ character. The \" is printed as a ".

#create variable

#pass variable to awk with quotes and then use backslash for literal print of a quote.
echo $var | awk -v var="$var" '{print "This is my track with \""var"\" data"}'
## This is my track with "ChIP-seq" data

Let’s take everything we learned and convert this to a script with variables and name the file


# argument 1 is the descriptive name of the experiment
# argument 2 is the input bedGraph file without a header
# usage: add a header file to a headerless bedGraph file
# some of these header variables are hard coded, but can be passed as variables

outname=$(echo "$2" | cut -d "." -f 1) #use the base name in outfile

awk -v var="$name" 'BEGIN {  print "browser position chr11:5,289,521-5,291,937"; print "track type=bedGraph name=\"" var "\" description=\"" var "_bedGraph\" visibility=full autoScale=on alwaysZero=on color=0,125,0 windowingFunction=maximum"}  { print $0}' "$2" > ${outname}_header.bedGraph

The above script is complicated because of the excessive use of double quotes. However, one should only have to write a script like this once and only make minor modifications over time.

8 Uploading to the browser

You can upload these data (.bed and .bedGraph files) as custom tracks on the browser. Just go to ‘custom tracks’ -> ‘add custom tracks’ and follow instructions.

Uploading Tips:

UCSC genome browser

Figure 6: UCSC genome browser

custom tracks view

Figure 7: custom tracks view

9 In class exercise 2: Upload data to browser

Starting with the .bed file and .bedGraph file you just created, do the following.
- Add appropriate track lines to the head of the .bed and .bedGraph files.
- gzip the files
- Transfer from the server to your laptop
- Upload the data onto the UCSC genome browser

10 Answers to in-class exercises

10.1 In class exercise 1: processing ChIP-seq data

Mapping and post-processing of ChIP-seq data for viewing in the genome browser as a .bed and .bedgraph file. The data is from a ChIP-seq experiment for the transcription factor, ATF1, in human cells. The file names are: ATF1_chip_10m.fastq.gz and ATF1_input_10m.fastq.gz and the files are in the /home/FCAM/meds5420/data/ATF1/fastq/ folder on the server.

  • Map the data to the genome with Bowtie:  
    • use up to 4 CPUs
    • allow two mismatches (only if using the original Bowtie)
    • only report unique sequences (only if using the original Bowtie)
    • specify .sam output
  • Convert the file to a .bam file (samtools)
  • Convert the file to a .bed file (bedtools)
  • Sort the bedfile
  • Convert the file to a bedgraph file (bedtools) - look at the manual online: try creating various bedGraphs:
    1. One that computes the coverage for entire read.
    2. One that computes coverage for only the 5’ end of the read.
    3. One that computes coverage at every base, but omits bases with zero coverage.
#Map the data (answers to Bowtie 1)
bowtie -p4 -m1 -v2 -S -x /home/FCAM/meds5420/genomes/hg38_bt/hg38_bt
/home/FCAM/meds5420/data/ATF1/fastq/ATF1_chip_10m.fastq ATF1_chip_10m.sam

bowtie -p4 -m1 -v2 -S -x /home/FCAM/meds5420/genomes/hg38_bt/hg38_bt
/home/FCAM/meds5420/data/ATF1/fastq/ATF1_input_10m.fastq ATF1_input_10m.sam

# what I asked bowtie2
bowtie2 -p4 -t -x $hgGen -U /home/FCAM/meds5420/data/ATF1/fastq/ATF1_chip_10m.fastq -S ATF1_chip_10m.sam 
bowtie2 -p4 -t -x $hgGen -U /home/FCAM/meds5420/data/ATF1/fastq/ATF1_input_10m.fastq -S ATF1_input_10m.sam 

#convert to .bam
samtools view -Sb ATF1_chip_10m.sam > ATF1_chip_10m.bam
samtools view -Sb ATF1_input_10m.sam > ATF1_input_10m.bam

#convert to .bed
bedtools bamtobed ATF1_chip_10m.bam > ATF1_chip_10m.bed
bedtools bamtobed ATF1_input_10m.bam > ATF1_input_10m.bed

#sort the bed
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n ATF1_chip_10m.bed > ATF1_chip_10m_sorted.bed
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n ATF1_input_10m.bed > ATF1_input_10m_sorted.bed

# bedgraph: hg38.chrom.sizes file is at /home/FCAM/meds5420/genomes/
bedtools genomecov -bg -i ATF1_chip_10m_sorted.bed -g /home/FCAM/meds5420/genomes/hg38.chrom.sizes > ATF1_ChIP.bedGraph 

#report 5' end of read only
bedtools genomecov -bg -5 -i ATF1_chip_10m_sorted.bed -g hg38.chrom.sizes > ATF1_ChIP_5prime.bedGraph 

10.2 In class exercise 2: upload to browser

  1. Use the script we wrote in class to add the track lines.
  2. Use scp os sftp to copy the files to your computer.

I will demonstrate in class.