
1 Relevant R tutorials and resources:

  1. Software carpentry:
  2. Detailed R tutorial:
  3. Several images in today’s tutorial are from the book R in Action. Can be purchased here: or on Amazon.
  4. Quick R is also one of many good resources for plotting:

2 Before we begin:

3 Today: Intro to R and Basic of plotting with R

3.1 More basic R: subsetting tables

Open an R environment and set you working directory to folder where the peaks_promoters.bed file is.

getwd() # no input or options needed
## [1] "/Users/guertinlab/Documents/class/2023_lec20"

The peaks_promoters.bed file contains information on which gene TSS is closest to ATF1 peaks that we called with MACS. Recall that we used bedtools closest to find the distance between ATF1 summits and TSSs and report them relative to genes with consideration of strand.

Read this table into your R session with read.table:

#read in table
closest <- read.table("peaks_promoters.bed")

#check structure
##     V1      V2      V3          V4      V5   V6      V7      V8        V9             V10 V11 V12
## 1 chr1  778706  778707 ATF1_peak_1 82.7650 chr1  778747  778748 LINC01409 ENSG00000237491   +  41
## 2 chr1 1000890 1000891 ATF1_peak_2 41.9708 chr1 1001138 1001139     ISG15 ENSG00000187608   + 248
## 3 chr1 1471676 1471677 ATF1_peak_3 30.5627 chr1 1471765 1471766    ATAD3B ENSG00000160072   +  89

Let’s check how many chromosomes are present in this data:

#report unique items in a list or vector
##  [1] "chr1"                    "chr10"                   "chr11"                   "chr11_KI270832v1_alt"    "chr12"                   "chr13"                  
##  [7] "chr14"                   "chr14_GL000225v1_random" "chr14_KI270846v1_alt"    "chr15"                   "chr16"                   "chr17"                  
## [13] "chr17_KI270857v1_alt"    "chr18"                   "chr18_GL383572v1_alt"    "chr18_KI270863v1_alt"    "chr18_KI270911v1_alt"    "chr19"                  
## [19] "chr1_KI270763v1_alt"     "chr2"                    "chr20"                   "chr21"                   "chr21_KI270872v1_alt"    "chr22"                  
## [25] "chr22_KI270733v1_random" "chr3"                    "chr3_KI270779v1_alt"     "chr3_KI270924v1_alt"     "chr4"                    "chr5"                   
## [31] "chr5_GL339449v2_alt"     "chr5_KI270791v1_alt"     "chr5_KI270897v1_alt"     "chr6"                    "chr6_GL000252v2_alt"     "chr6_GL000254v2_alt"    
## [37] "chr6_GL000255v2_alt"     "chr6_KI270797v1_alt"     "chr7"                    "chr7_KI270809v1_alt"     "chr8"                    "chr8_KI270816v1_alt"    
## [43] "chr9"                    "chr9_KI270718v1_random"  "chrUn_GL000216v2"        "chrUn_GL000220v1"        "chrX"                    "chrX_KI270880v1_alt"    
## [49] "chrX_KI270913v1_alt"

Looks like this is the whole dataset, but what if you only want the part from your chromosome.   Here are two ways to do this:

#subset a table based on a logical match to a column
closest_chr17<- subset(closest, closest[,1]=='chr17')
head(closest_chr17, 3)
##        V1      V2      V3            V4      V5    V6      V7      V8     V9             V10 V11  V12
## 203 chr17  782326  782327 ATF1_peak_202 66.2886 chr17  782353  782354   MRM3 ENSG00000171861   +   27
## 204 chr17 4143675 4143676 ATF1_peak_203 14.7257 chr17 4143168 4143169 CYB5D2 ENSG00000167740   + -507
## 205 chr17 4704157 4704158 ATF1_peak_204 30.8864 chr17 4704336 4704337  PELP1 ENSG00000141456   -  179

#subset a table based on a logical match to a column
closest_chr17<- closest[closest[,1]=='chr17',] 
#notice the syntax is based on table indexing
head(closest_chr17, 3)
##        V1      V2      V3            V4      V5    V6      V7      V8     V9             V10 V11  V12
## 203 chr17  782326  782327 ATF1_peak_202 66.2886 chr17  782353  782354   MRM3 ENSG00000171861   +   27
## 204 chr17 4143675 4143676 ATF1_peak_203 14.7257 chr17 4143168 4143169 CYB5D2 ENSG00000167740   + -507
## 205 chr17 4704157 4704158 ATF1_peak_204 30.8864 chr17 4704336 4704337  PELP1 ENSG00000141456   -  179

Notes on relational operators for logical tests:
Operator : Interpretation

  1. x < y : x is less than y
  2. x > y : x is greater than y
  3. x <= y : x is less than or equal to y
  4. x >= y : x is greater than or equal to y
  5. x == y : x is equal to y
  6. x != y : x is not equal to y

Also when conducting logical tests:

  • & = and
  • | = or

4 Plotting distributions

4.1 Boxplots

One simple way to plot the distribution of a data set is to use boxplots:


4.2 What do boxplots show?

anatomy of a box plot

Figure 1: anatomy of a box plot

median - Middle dark line.
box - Interquartile ranges. i.e. extending from 25th percentile to 75th percentile.
whisker - Extremes (cover 90% of the data).
outliers - Points outside of whiskers.

The default parameters from boxplot are not great for publication. However, there are options specific to the boxplot function that we can use to make the figure more meaningful and understandable.

For instance: see help(boxplots))

  • remove outliers (outline=F)
  • color border (border="red")
  • border thickness (lwd=2)
boxplot(closest[,12], outline=FALSE, border='red', col='white', lwd=2)

lwd = line width
col = inside box color
border= border color
outline= display outliers (if TRUE)

4.3 Commonly used options with graphs:

  • graph size
  • margins
  • Axis labels (xlab, ylab)
  • Axis font, size, color
  • graph title (main =“title”)
  • legend
  • line, fill colors
  • line width



Text size

boxplot(closest[,12], outline=F, col='blue', lwd=2, 
        xlab='ATF1 peaks', ylab='distance (bp)', 
        main = "Distance of peaks from gene TSSs")

5 Histograms


hist also creates an object with several informative attributes, that you can maintain in your workspace by assigning a variable to hist().

closest_hist<-hist(closest[,12], plot=F)
#see names of associated data
## [1] "breaks"   "counts"   "density"  "mids"     "xname"    "equidist"
# print all associated data
## $breaks
##  [1] -300000 -250000 -200000 -150000 -100000  -50000       0   50000  100000  150000  200000  250000  300000
## $counts
##  [1]   1   0   0   1   8 311 285   6   0   1   1   1
## $density
##  [1] 3.252033e-08 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 3.252033e-08 2.601626e-07 1.011382e-05 9.268293e-06 1.951220e-07 0.000000e+00 3.252033e-08 3.252033e-08 3.252033e-08
## $mids
##  [1] -275000 -225000 -175000 -125000  -75000  -25000   25000   75000  125000  175000  225000  275000
## $xname
## [1] "closest[, 12]"
## $equidist
## [1] TRUE
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "histogram"
# print 'summary' of the data
##          Length Class  Mode     
## breaks   13     -none- numeric  
## counts   12     -none- numeric  
## density  12     -none- numeric  
## mids     12     -none- numeric  
## xname     1     -none- character
## equidist  1     -none- logical

Options when plotting histograms

#breaks sets the number of divisions for grouping bars
closest_hist<-hist(closest[,12], plot=T,
                   main="Distance of ATF1 peaks from gene TSSs", 
                   xlab="Distance (bp)")

5.1 Controlling axis limits and bin size (breaks)

One can also add detail to the plot by increasing the number of breaks in the distribution.

#breaks sets the number of divisions for grouping bars
closest_hist<-hist(closest[,12], plot=T, xlim= c(-50000, 50000), breaks=500,
                   main="Distance of ATF1 peaks from gene TSSs", 
                   xlab="Distance (bp)")

Having the histogram information saved in your workspace allows you to plot this in different ways:

#plot points of histogram
plot(closest_hist$mids, closest_hist$counts, xlim= c(-50000, 50000),
     main="Distance of ATF1 peaks from gene TSSs", 
     xlab="Distance (bp)", ylab="Frequency")

#plot points of histogram
plot(closest_hist$mids, closest_hist$counts, xlim= c(-50000, 50000),
     type="l", lwd=2, col='red',
     main="Distance of ATF1 peaks from gene TSSs", 
     xlab="Distance (bp)", ylab="Frequency")

Options with lines and symbols:



adding plots/lines to graphs:

#plot points of histogram
     main="Distance of ATF1 peaks from gene TSSs", xlab="Distance (bp)", 
     ylab="Frequency", xlim= c(-50000, 50000))

lines(closest_hist$mids, closest_hist$counts, type="l", lwd=2, col='red')

6 Cumulative Distibution Plots (CDF)

The cumulative distribution adds to the y-axis as more groups are more groups (x-axis) are encountered. ecdf() will create an object that can be used for plotting a distribution.

#create ECDF object
closest_cdf <- ecdf(closest[,12])

plot(closest_cdf, xlim= c(-50000, 50000))

Add lines to plots: Lets add a vertical, dotted line at the median:

#first find the median
##      0%     25%     50%     75%    100% 
## -255380     -64      -1      77  295571


## [1] -1
#create ECDF object
plot(closest_cdf, xlim= c(-50000, 50000),
     main = "CDF of ATF1 distance to TSSs", 
      ylab='fraction', xlab="Distance (bp)")
#add vertical line at median
abline(v=median(closest[,12]), lty=2)
abline(h=.5, lty=2)

6.1 Adding legends

See help(legend)

plot(closest_cdf, col='red', xlim= c(-50000, 50000),
     main = "CDF of ATF1 distance to TSSs", ylab='fraction', xlab="Distance (bp)")
abline(v=median(closest[,12]), lty=2)
abline(h=.5, lty=2)

#Specify position, symbol type, col, box type
legend('bottomright', c("ATF1"), inset= 0.1, pch=19, col='red')

# symbol can be made a line with "lty="

7 Saving plots

Saving plots is easy:
You can save the current plot window with:


It is better to specify the file first, plot to it, and then close the device:

# can be done with jpeg, pdf, tiff, eps, png, etc. formats
pdf(file="plot.jpg", width=4, height=4)
# Do your plotting
# Add a Legend

8 Functions

Functions are routines that perform specific tasks. The basic form of a function is as follows:

function_name <- function(arg_1, arg_2, ...) {
   Function body 

The following function will add two input values together and multiply the result by 14:

add.numbers.fourteen <- function(x, y) {
   z = (x + y)*14


res = add.numbers.fourteen(1,2)


9 In class exercise 1 (plotting):

You will:

Get the following files using sftp from the server if you haven’t already:

get /home/FCAM/meds5420/data/ATF1/closest_peak_TSS/peaks_promoters.bed
get /home/FCAM/meds5420/data/ATF1/reads_in_peaks/ATF1_summits_rep1_counts_2col.bed
get /home/FCAM/meds5420/data/ATF1/reads_in_peaks/ATF1_summits_rep2_counts_2col.bed

9.1 Plot peaks across chromosome

  • Try plotting the intensity of the peaks from the first replicate counts file (y-axis) across your chromosome (peaks/promoters file) (x-axis).

    • Use a summit coordinate as the chromosomelocation.
    • The number of reads per region is in the counts file (see bedtools coverage manual for how we would get this file).
    • you may have to look back at Lecture 18 to figure out how to merge data frames. The counts data and the chromosome info are within different files.
    • subset the data to obtain peaks only in your chromosome.
  • Try plotting the data as a line.

  • Zoom in to smaller windows by limiting the x-axis to 1mb, 100kb, 10kb windows (make sure you choose a region that sill contains at least one peak or you’ll see very little).

9.2 Distribution of peaks intensities.

Using one of the replicates for your chromosome, try plotting the following:

  1. A boxplot of counts within peaks. Use the following instructions:
  • Leave out outliers
  • Color the lines of the box
  • Make the box lines bold by increase the line width
  1. A histogram of the chromosome positions with 100 breaks
  • Plot both the histogram and the line
  • Add a main title and x-axis label
  1. A CDF plot of absolute distance from peak to closest gene
  • Add horizonatal lines for the 50 percentile and median.
  • Add a legend

9.3 Scatterplots

  • Try making a scatterplot to see how well the two replicates agree. Use plot(x,y).

  • Try the same scatterplot with log scaled data: Use log2(data).

  • Add a main title to the graph

  • Label the x- and y- axes with more descriptive titles

  • Experiment with different size, shape, and color of the points to see which reveals the most information about the data.

10 In class exercise 2 (make a function):

Do you recall the quadratic formula? Me either! But we have Google.

Write a function to solve a quadratic equation and have the results return as a list.

solve: 0.5x^2 -2.5x + 2 = 0

report both solutions for x.

11 Answers to in class exercises

x = read.table('ATF1_summits_rep1_counts_2col.bed', sep = '\t')

closest <- read.table("peaks_promoters.bed")

df.x = merge(x, closest, by.x = "V1", by.y = "V4")


df.x.chr17 = df.x[df.x$V6=="chr17",]


plot(df.x.chr17$V2.y, df.x.chr17$V2.x)

#make a publishable pdf
pdf(file="plot.pdf", width=4, height=4)
plot(df.x.chr17$V2.y, df.x.chr17$V2.x, type = "l")

plot(df.x.chr17$V2.y, df.x.chr17$V2.x, xlim = c(0, 1000000))

plot(df.x.chr17$V2.y, df.x.chr17$V2.x, xlim = c(700000, 800000))

plot(df.x.chr17$V2.y, df.x.chr17$V2.x, xlim = c(780000, 790000))

boxplot(df.x.chr17$V2.x, outline=FALSE, border='red', col='white', lwd=2)

hist(df.x.chr17$V2.y,  breaks=100,  main="Position of peaks along chr17", xlab="chr17 position")

hist_positions <- hist(df.x.chr17$V2.y, breaks=100, plot=F)
lines(hist_positions$mids, hist_positions$counts, type="l", lwd=2, col='blue')

closest_cdf <- ecdf(abs(df.x.chr17$V12))
     main = "CDF of ATF1 distance to TSSs", 
      ylab='fraction', xlab="Distance (bp)")
#add vertical line at median
abline(v=median(abs(df.x.chr17$V12)), lty=2)
abline(h=.5, lty=2)
legend('bottomright', c("ATF1"), inset= 0.1, pch=19, col='black')

y = read.table('ATF1_summits_rep2_counts_2col.bed', sep = '\t')
plot(x[,2], y[,2])

plot(x[,2], y[,2], main = "replicate concordance")

plot(x[,2], y[,2], main = "replicate concordance", ylab = "replicate 2 counts", xlab = "replicate 1 counts")

plot(x[,2], y[,2], main = "replicate concordance", ylab = "replicate 2 counts", xlab = "replicate 1 counts", cex = 0.5, pch = 16, col = '#80808080')

# quadratic

quad.formula <- function(a, b, c) {
    x1 = (-b + sqrt((b^2) - (4*a*c)))/(2*a)
    x2 = (-b - sqrt((b^2) - (4*a*c)))/(2*a)
    return(list(x1, x2))

answers = quad.formula(0.5, -2.5, 2)