ATAC-seq is an assay that measures chromatin accessibility. In short, cells are treated with detergents to disrupt the cell and nuclear membranes, then treated with Tn5 transposase, which targets DNA that is accessible. Targeting includes cleaving the DNA and ligating DNA to the cut ends. DNA can be highly compacted and inaccessible, nucleosome free and very accessible, or in between. The Tn5 transpoase dimers are preloaded with Illumina adapters, so when two adapters are inserted into DNA close enough to one another and in the correct orientation the molecules can be PCR amplified and subjected to high-throughput sequencing. The ATAC-seq methods paper presents the figure below.
Figure 1: ATAC-seq molecular biology
Chromatin accessibility genomics data is analyzed much like ChIP-seq data, but it does not measure transcription factor binding or histone modification abundance directly. Chromatin accessibility correlates with gene expression levels, but if you want to use chromatin accessibility to tell you anything about gene expression you are better off just measuring RNA levels directly. Chromatin accessibility patterns can provide information about nucleosome positioning, but if you want to know about nucleosome positioning you should perform MNase-seq. So when would we want to perform ATAC-seq? Regions of accessible chromatin are generally bound by sequence-specific transcription factors and we can use prior knowledge about the sequences that factors recognize and the openness of chromatin to infer transcription factor binding, as opposed to doing 1000+ ChIP-seq experiments per cell type per condition. I believe the most powerful application of ATAC-seq is to perform ATAC-seq in two conditions to determine the candidate transcription factors that change activity between the two conditions. If the time points are closely spaced, then one can hypothesize that the factor (or a member of the factor family) is directly affected by the condition. For instance, we can treat cells with a drug for a short period of time (20 minutes) and perform ATAC-seq. If the drug affects the function of a transcription factor, then the motif that the TF recognizes will be specifically enriched in the differntial ATAC peaks. A classic example is to treat breast cancer cells with estrogen for 10 minutes and perform a before and after ATAC. The Estrogen Receptor binding motif is specifically enriched in ATAC peaks that increase accessibility.
If you design an ATAC-seq experiment to infer transcription factor binding, then you should should perform paired-end sequencing because each end of a sequenced molecule is the precise position that is accessible to the transposase. Well, the molecular biology is a bit more complicated and we need to shift the forward-strand aligned reads downstream by 4 bases and shift the reverse-strand aligned reads upstream by 4 bases to specify the center of where Tn5 recognizes. We outline the molecular biology in Figure S1 here: seqOutATACBias. We also deviate from many ATAC-seq workflows because we perform size selection. We are most interested in defining open regions of chromatin and not nucleosome mapping (larger fragments can be used for this purpose). An overview of our ATAC experimental worflow can be found here: ATAC experimental workflow.
We previously used the depricated fastx_toolkit
because it is easy
and the functions are specialized without too many options and the
verbose option is helpful. In our daily workflow in hte lab we use
. The options we use below are -j
for the number of cores
to use, -m
specifies the minimal lenght of a read to keep after
adapter sequence removal, and -O
is the number of bases to trim off the
end of the read if it overlaps with the adapter sequence. If the
genome is 25% of each base, then you would expect one quarter of the
reads that have no adapter to have the trailing base
trimmed. Likewise, approximately 1/16 of the remaining
reads without the adapter will have the final two bases
trimmed. Technically these values are not exact, because the reads with
matches to longer trailing k-mers (in this case 19-mers) would be
removed first, then 18-mer matches removed, etcetera… The -a
and -A
options are the adapter sequences of the PE1 and PE2 reads. The
output file is -o
(PE1) and -p
PE2. The last two positional
areguments are the input fastq
files. Of course we save the output
to a log file
#newer versions don't seem to work
module load cutadapt
cutadapt -a CTGTCTCTTATACACATCT -A CTGTCTCTTATACACATCT -j 8 -m 10 -O 1 -o ${name}_PE1_no_adapt.fastq -p ${name}_PE2_no_adapt.fastq ${name}_PE1.fastq ${name}_PE2.fastq 2>&1 | tee ${name}_cutadapt.log
We perform alignments just as we have previously in the class, but
with many modifications. Mitochondrial DNA is preferentially
targeted by transposase because it is more accessible, so we first
align to chrM
. However, we only need to align the PE1 read to chrM
to save time, then we sort the file, and use samtools
and the -f
option with the flag 0x4
to output the reads that do NOT align to
the mitochondrial genome.
module load bowtie2
module load samtools
#Align to chrM first and remove aligned reads
#if you need to build it:
cp /home/FCAM/meds5420/genomes/chroms/chrM.fa ./
bowtie2-build chrM.fa chrM
bowtie2 -p 8 -x chrM -U ${name}_PE1_no_adapt.fastq | samtools sort -n - | samtools fastq -f 0x4 - > ${name}_PE1.chrM.fastq 2>&1 | tee ${name}_chrM_alignment.log
reads with fastq-pair
We only aligned PE1 to the mitochondrial genome, then selected all the
reads that did not align. If the PE1 read did not align to chrM
then it reasons that the PE2 mate also does not align to chrM
. We use
to select all the PE2 mates of PE1 reads that did not
align to chrM
. The -t
option is the table size and an optimal
value is apparently the number of reads in the file, but I find that
1000000 works well in all cases. The last two positional
arguments are the input files. The desired output files are named identical to
the input file names with .paired.fq
appended to the end. I always
recomend running ls
before and after a process to determine which
new files are generated. Also, don’t forget to head
, tail
, and wc -l
any output files to make sure everything makes sense.
module load fastq-pair/1.0
fastq_pair -t 1000000 ${name}_PE1.chrM.fastq ${name}_PE2_no_adapt.fastq 2>&1 | tee ${name}_fastq_pair.log
Now we are aligning to the hg38.fa
genome just as we have previously
for ChIP-seq, the difference is that the libraries are paired end. Note the -1
options for the respective paired-end fastq
files. There is no
need to save the output sam
file, so the output is piped to
to convert to bam
, then sorted by name (-n
) so paired
end reads are adjacent in the file, then piped to samtools fixmate
which adds information about the fragment length by comparing the PE1
and PE2 coordinates, then the files are sorted by coordinate, then
piped to samtools markdup
to remove duplicate reads. Duplicate reads
have the same PE1 and PE2 ends. This is very unlikely to happen by
chance unless you sequence to very high read depth, so these reads are
considered PCR amplicon duplicates. The fixmate
step is necessary to
pipe to markdup
#Align to the hg38 genome and remove duplicates
bowtie2 -p 8 --maxins 800 -x $genome_index -1 ${name}_PE1.chrM.fastq.paired.fq -2 ${name}_PE2_no_adapt.fastq.paired.fq | samtools view -bS - | samtools sort -n - | samtools fixmate -m - - | samtools sort - | samtools markdup -s -r - ${name}.hg38.bam 2>&1 | tee ${name}_bowtie2_hg38.log
fileWe could convert the data to a bed file using bedtools
, but the
software seqOutBias
has some desirable options. FIrst seqOutBias
was designed to account for enzymatic sequence bias in chromatin
accessibility assays, but we will not use this feature, hence the
flag. seqOutBias
does allow for custom shifting of the
plus and minus aligned reads, in this case --custom-shift=4,-4
specify the center of the transposase interaction site. The first time
is run with a new genome and read-size
combination, it
takes a while to determine the regions in the genome that are uniquely
mappable at the specified read length. Subsequent invocations identify
the necessary mappability files and it runs much quicker. Generally,
it is best practice to exclude reads from regions that are not
uniquely mappable, because the true origin of the read cannot be
determined. The last line removes chromosomes that are incomplete
contigs and the Epstein-Barr Virus genome.
module load genometools/1.5.10
module load rust/1.64.0
module load ucsc_genome/2012.05.22
# this seqOutBias linux binary was downloaded from the github page
# mappability tallymer files were pregenerated
# these can only be used for 62 base reads and hg38, but if you
# move them to your current directory to save time
cp /home/FCAM/meds5420/data/atac/tallymer/hg38* ./
#Convert BAM to bed for counting (previously created the tallymer with `seqOutBias seqtable`)
seqOutBias /home/FCAM/meds5420/genomes/hg38.fa ${name}.hg38.bam --no-scale --custom-shift=4,-4 --read-size=62 2>&1 | tee ${name}_seqOutBias.log
for the browserNow we are read depth normalizing each replicate and making a 201 base
window centered on the transposase insertion site to smooth the data
for visualization. The data is first smoothed with
s that overlapping windows smooth the data. Then we combine
overlapping interval signal with genomeCoverageBed
. We calculate the read depth by summing up
the 5th column of the original bed
file . Then we divide this number by 10 million because the
normalized values will be 1 for a single read if there are 10 million
reads in a library. Usually libraries have between 10 and 100 million
aligned reads, so with this normalization the y-axis does not span extreme values. We round
this to three places after the decimal. Then we convert to a bigWig
(essentially a binary
file) in case we want to make a track hub down the
line. The bedGraph
files are often too large to upload directly to
UCSC. It is easier to merge bigWig
files and sum the intensities for
each genomic region as well.
#Convert BAM to BED
slopBed -i ${name}.hg38_not_scaled.bed -g ${sizes} -l 100 -r 100 | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > ${name}_window.bed
genomeCoverageBed -bg -i ${name}_window.bed -g $sizes > ${name}.bedGraph
depth=`awk -F'\t' '{sum+=$5;}END{print sum;}' ${name}.hg38_not_scaled.bed`
scaled=$(bc <<< "scale=3 ; 10000000 / $depth")
echo $scaled
awk -v scaled="$scaled" '{OFS="\t";} {print $1, $2, $3, $4*scaled}' ${name}.bedGraph > ${name}_normalized.bedGraph
wigToBigWig -clip ${name}_normalized.bedGraph $sizes ${name}.bigWig
Recall that earlier in the semster we were writing a loop to perform the processes
on each file (or file set for PE data) in series. However, when yo
uhave many files you can submit mnay jobs in parallel by making a
template sbatch
script, then reproducing the script for each file
set and submittign all the sbatch
scripts in parallel.
scriptThe following code chunk contains all the processing steps for each
file. The variable name=XXXXXXX
can be changed to the
experiment/replicate name. This assumes that your files are named
. We can submit each of these
scripts to Xanadu in parallel to speed things up. Recall that
earlier in the semster we were writing a loop to perform the processes
on each file (or file set for PE data) in series.
#! /bin/sh
#SBATCH # name for job
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -c 32
#SBATCH -p general
#SBATCH --qos=general
#SBATCH --mem=32G
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH -o atac_workflow_XXXXXXX.sh_%j.out
#SBATCH -e atac_workflow_XXXXXXX.sh_%j.err
module load cutadapt
module load bowtie2
module load samtools/1.16.1
module load fastq-pair/1.0
module load genometools/1.5.10
module load rust/1.64.0
module load ucsc_genome/2012.05.22
module load bedtools
gunzip ${name}_PE1.fastq.gz
gunzip ${name}_PE2.fastq.gz
cutadapt -a CTGTCTCTTATACACATCT -A CTGTCTCTTATACACATCT -j $ncore -m 10 -O 1 -o ${name}_PE1_no_adapt.fastq -p ${name}_PE2_no_adapt.fastq ${name}_PE1.fastq ${name}_PE2.fastq 2>&1 | tee ${name}_cutadapt.log
bowtie2 -p $ncore -x chrM -U ${name}_PE1_no_adapt.fastq | samtools sort -@ $ncore -o ${name}.bam
samtools fastq -@ $ncore -f 0x4 ${name}.bam > ${name}_PE1.chrM.fastq
fastq_pair -t 1000000 ${name}_PE1.chrM.fastq ${name}_PE2_no_adapt.fastq 2>&1 | tee ${name}_fastq_pair.log
bowtie2 -p $ncore --maxins 800 -x $genome_index -1 ${name}_PE1.chrM.fastq.paired.fq -2 ${name}_PE2_no_adapt.fastq.paired.fq | samtools sort -@ $ncore -n -o ${name}.bw.bam
samtools fixmate -m ${name}.bw.bam - | samtools sort -@ $ncore - | samtools markdup -s -r - ${name}.hg38.bam
seqOutBias ${genome} ${name}.hg38.bam --no-scale --custom-shift=4,-4 --read-size=62 2>&1 | tee ${name}_seqOutBias.log
slopBed -i ${name}.hg38_not_scaled.bed -g ${sizes} -l 100 -r 100 | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > ${name}_window.bed
genomeCoverageBed -bg -i ${name}_window.bed -g $sizes > ${name}.bedGraph
depth=`awk -F'\t' '{sum+=$5;}END{print sum;}' ${name}.hg38_not_scaled.bed`
scaled=$(bc <<< "scale=3 ; 10000000 / $depth")
awk -v scaled="$scaled" '{OFS="\t";} {print $1, $2, $3, $4*scaled}' ${name}.bedGraph > ${name}_normalized.bedGraph
wigToBigWig -clip ${name}_normalized.bedGraph $sizes ${name}.bigWig
gzip ${name}_PE1.fastq
gzip ${name}_PE2.fastq
rm ${name}.bw.bam
rm ${name}_PE*.fastq.*.fq
mkdir ${name}_files
scriptYou can run the following loop interactively. The first step is to
move all the relevant files to your local directory. The variable
is the template script from the previous subsection. The only
new utility that we introduce here is sed
, which performs a find of
and replaces it with the EXPERIMENT_CONDITIONS
name in the
file (everything that precedes _PE1.fastq.gz
. Each sbatch
will run as resources become available on the cluster.
module load bowtie2
cp /home/FCAM/meds5420/genomes/chroms/chrM.fa ./
bowtie2-build chrM.fa chrM
cp /home/FCAM/meds5420/data/atac/tallymer/hg38* ./
for i in *PE1.fastq.gz
nm=$(echo $i | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}' | awk -F"_PE1.fastq.gz" '{print $1}')
fq=$(echo $i | rev | cut -f 1 -d '/' | rev)
echo $nm
echo $fq
sed -e "s/XXXXXXX/${nm}/g" "$file" > atac_workflow1_${nm}.sh
sbatch atac_workflow1_${nm}.sh
sleep 1
Usually we combine replicates into a single track for visualization
and we compare the tracks between conditions. It is important that we
read-depth normalize before we combine the signal from each
replicate. Otherwise, we would be weighting replicates differently;
for example, if a library is sequenced to twice the read depth and we
combine first then read depth normalize, then the more high coverage
data is weighted twice as much in the final visualization. These bedGraph
files are probably too big to upload to UCSC, but you can upload portions of the file or convert to bigWig
files and generate a track hub. The final loop cleans up the directory by putting all the individual replicate files within their respective folders.
for i in *rep1*PE1.fastq.gz
nm=$(echo $i | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}' | awk -F"_PE1.fastq.gz" '{print $1}')
name=$(echo $nm | awk -F"rep1" '{print $1}')
echo $name
reps=$(ls ${name}rep*bigWig | grep -v hg38 | wc -w | bc)
files=$(ls ${name}rep*bigWig | grep -v hg38)
bigWigMerge $files
scaleall=$(bc <<< "scale=4 ; 1.0 / $reps")
echo scale:
echo $scaleall
awk -v scaleall="$scaleall" '{OFS="\t";} {print $1, $2, $3, $4*scaleall}' > ${name}_normalized.bedGraph
awk -v var="$name" 'BEGIN { print "browser position chr11:5,289,521-5,291,937"; print "track type=bedGraph name=\"" var "\" description=\"" var "_bedGraph\" visibility=full autoScale=on alwaysZero=on color=0,0,0"} { print $0}' ${name}_normalized.bedGraph > ${name}_header_normalized.bedGraph
gzip ${name}_header_normalized.bedGraph
for i in *PE1.fastq.gz
name=$(echo $i | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}' | awk -F"_PE1.fastq.gz" '{print $1}')
mv ${name}* ./${name}_files
We next call peaks with macs3
using all the *.hg38.bam
files. We
already removed replicate duplicates, so any true duplicates arose
independently. We could call peaks in individual replicates and take
the union or intersect or there are many other ways to call
peaks. Since we don’t have an input or control file (why not?) and
most biologically relevant peaks will be found by most peak callers, I
am content with just a single peak calling using all the data. We
should find the important peaks where we have the power to detect changes in
module load macs3
cp */*.hg38.bam ./
mkdir temp_macs
macs3 callpeak --call-summits -t *.hg38.bam -n TRPS1_degron_ATAC -g hs -q 0.01 --keep-dup all -f BAM --nomodel --shift -100 --extsize 200 --tempdir temp_macs
rm *.hg38.bam
You can Google “blacklisted genomic regions” or the alike to find a
set of region in the genome in bed
format that have an over-representation of
reads regardless of the experiment. Recall this is even more necessary
because we do not have a control data set. We can also remove peaks on non-canonical chromosomes with
grep -v
module load bedtools
gunzip hg38-blacklist.v2.bed.gz
grep -v "random" ${name}_summits.bed | grep -v "chrUn" | grep -v "chrEBV" | grep -v "chrM" | grep -v "alt" | intersectBed -v -a stdin -b $blacklist > ${name}_tmp.txt
mv ${name}_tmp.txt ${name}_summits.bed
slopBed -b 200 -i ${name}_summits.bed -g $sizes > ${name}_summit_window.bed
We previously use htseq
to count RNA-seq reads within gene
annotations. mapBed
from bedtools
performs the same function with
two bed
file inputs. We will counts reads in the 400 base window
summit file and merge these into a file with experiment name columns
and genomic interval named rows.
module load bedtools
cp */*_not_scaled.bed ./
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n ${name}_summit_window.bed > ${name}_summit_window_sorted.bed
for i in *_not_scaled.bed
nm=$(echo $i | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}' | awk -F"_not_scaled.bed" '{print $1}')
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n $i > ${nm}_sorted.bed
mapBed -null '0' -a $peaks -b ${nm}_sorted.bed > ${nm}_peak_counts.txt
sleep 1
for i in *_peak_counts.txt
name=$(echo $i | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}' | awk -F"_peak_counts.txt" '{print $1}')
awk '{print $NF}' ${name}_peak_counts.txt > ${name}_peak_counts_only.txt
echo $name | cat - ${name}_peak_counts_only.txt > ${name}_peak_counts.txt
rm ${name}_peak_counts_only.txt
echo -e "chr\tstart\tend\tname\tqvalue" | cat - $peaks | paste -d'\t' - *peak_counts.txt > Combined_ATAC_peak_counts_with_ChIP.txt
rm *_not_scaled.bed
module load R/4.1.2
Recall that this version of R
on Xanadu has many of our libraries
module load R/4.1.2
with ATAC dataThe workflow is identical to what we did with RNA-seq. We excluded the
shrinkage step because we are not ranking genomic intervals by fold
change. Recall this was necessary for downstream gene set enrichment
analysis, which doesn’t make sense for ATAC-seq regions. Refer to
Lecture 24 for the details of DESeq2
# libraries
# functions on github
# new functions
ma.plot.lattice <- function(ma.df, filename = '',
title.main = "Differential ATAC-seq Accessibility",
col = c("grey90", "grey60", "#ce228e" , "#2290cf"))
pdf(paste("MA_plot_", filename, ".pdf", sep=''),
useDingbats = FALSE, width=3.83, height=3.83);
print(xyplot(ma.df$log2FoldChange ~ log(ma.df$baseMean, base=10),
col= col,
main=title.main, scales="free", aspect=1, pch=20, cex=0.5,
ylab=expression("log"[2]~"ATAC-seq change"),
xlab=expression("log"[10]~"Mean of Normalized Counts"),
plotPCAlattice <- function(df, file = 'PCA_lattice.pdf') {
perVar = round(100 * attr(df, "percentVar"))
df = data.frame(cbind(df, sapply(strsplit(as.character(df$name), '-rep'), '[', 1)))
colnames(df) = c(colnames(df)[1:(ncol(df)-1)], 'unique_condition')
#get colors and take away the hex transparency
color.x = substring(rainbow(length(unique(df$unique_condition))), 1,7)
df$color = NA
df$alpha.x = NA
df$alpha.y = NA
df$colpal = NA
for (i in 1:length(unique(df$unique_condition))) {
df[df$unique_condition == unique(df$unique_condition)[[i]],]$color = color.x[i]
#gives replicates for unique condition
reps_col<- df[df$unique_condition == unique(df$unique_condition)[[i]],]
#gives number of replicates in unique condition
replicates.x = nrow(reps_col)
alx <- rev(seq(0.2, 1, length.out = replicates.x))
#count transparency(alx), convert alx to hex(aly), combain color and transparency(cp)
for(rep in 1:replicates.x) {
na <- reps_col[rep, ]$name
df[df$name == na, ]$alpha.x = alx[rep]
aly = as.hexmode(round(alx * 255))
df[df$name == na, ]$alpha.y = aly[rep]
cp = paste0(color.x[i], aly)
df[df$name == na, ]$colpal = cp[rep]
colpal = df$colpal
df$name = gsub('_', ' ', df$name)
pdf(file, width=6, height=6, useDingbats=FALSE)
print(xyplot(PC2 ~ PC1, groups = name, data=df,
xlab = paste('PC1: ', perVar[1], '% variance', sep = ''),
ylab = paste('PC2: ', perVar[2], '% variance', sep = ''),
par.settings = list(superpose.symbol = list(pch = c(20), col=colpal)),
pch = 20, cex = 1.7,
auto.key = TRUE,
col = colpal))
# data processing and plotting
x = read.table('Combined_ATAC_peak_counts_with_ChIP.txt', sep = "\t", check.names=FALSE, header=TRUE)
rownames(x) = paste0(x[,1], ":", x[,2], "-", x[,3])
peak_name = x[,4]
peak_qvalue = x[,5]
x = x[,-c(1:5)]
colnames(x) = sapply(strsplit(colnames(x), "Clone28-"), "[", 2)
colnames(x) = sapply(strsplit(colnames(x), "\\."), "[", 1)
sample.conditions = factor(sapply(strsplit(colnames(x), '-rep'), '[', 1), levels=c("0hour","05hour"))
rep = factor(sapply(strsplit(colnames(x), 'rep'), '[', 2))
#deseq.counts.table = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = x,
# colData =, rep),
# design = ~ rep + sample.conditions)
deseq.counts.table = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = x,
colData =,
design = ~ sample.conditions)
dds = DESeq(deseq.counts.table)
normalized.counts.rna = counts(dds, normalized=TRUE)
rld = rlog(dds, blind=TRUE)
# plot principle components
pca.plot = plotPCA(rld, intgroup="sample.conditions", returnData=TRUE)
plotPCAlattice(pca.plot, file = 'Degron_lattice.pdf')
DE.results = results(dds)
DE.results.lattice =
fdr = 0.1, log2fold = 0.0, treat = 'TRPS1_degron_30min')
activated.all = DE.results.lattice[DE.results.lattice$response ==
'TRPS1_degron_30min Activated',]
ma.plot.lattice(DE.results.lattice, filename = '30min_TRPS1_degradation',
title.main = "Differential Accessibility")
#we are not ranking by fold change, so no need for shrinkage
#lets export a smaller genomic interval for each region for subsequent motif analysis
chr = sapply(strsplit(rownames(activated.all), ":"), "[", 1)
rnge = sapply(strsplit(rownames(activated.all), ":"), "[", 2)
start = as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(rnge, "-"), "[", 1)) + 100
end = as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(rnge, "-"), "[", 2)) - 100
write.table(cbind(chr, start, end), file = "ATAC_increase_TRPS1_degron.bed", quote = FALSE,
col.names =FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep = "\t")
unchanged.all = DE.results.lattice[DE.results.lattice$response ==
'TRPS1_degron_30min Unchanged',]
chr.un = sapply(strsplit(rownames(unchanged.all), ":"), "[", 1)
rnge.un = sapply(strsplit(rownames(unchanged.all), ":"), "[", 2)
start.un = as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(rnge.un, "-"), "[", 1)) + 100
end.un = as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(rnge.un, "-"), "[", 2)) - 100
write.table(cbind(chr.un, start.un, end.un), file = "ATAC_unchanged_TRPS1_degron.bed", quote = FALSE,
col.names =FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep = "\t")
Figure 2: PCA Analysis
Figure 3: MA plot
Lastly, we perform de novo motif analysis as we have previously with
. We can also determine the fraction of regions with immediate
increases in accessibility have the underlying motif. However, this
value is meaningless without a comparison. We could compare to
TRPS1_degron_30min Unchanged
region set.
module load bedtools
module load meme/5.4.1
fastaFromBed -fi $genome -bed ATAC_increase_TRPS1_degron.bed -fo ATAC_increase_TRPS1_degron.fasta
fastaFromBed -fi $genome -bed ATAC_unchanged_TRPS1_degron.bed -fo ATAC_unchanged_TRPS1_degron.fasta
meme -oc TRPS1.meme_output -objfun classic -evt 0.01 -searchsize 0 -minw 5 -maxw 10 -revcomp -dna -markov_order 2 -maxsize 100000000 ATAC_increase_TRPS1_degron.fasta
mast TRPS1.meme_output/meme.txt -mt 0.001 -hit_list ATAC_increase_TRPS1_degron.fasta > mast_hits_increase.txt
mast TRPS1.meme_output/meme.txt -mt 0.001 -hit_list ATAC_unchanged_TRPS1_degron.fasta > mast_hits_unchanged.txt
cut -f 1 -d " " mast_hits_increase.txt | sort | uniq | grep -v "#" > unique_mast_hits_increase.txt
wc -l unique_mast_hits_increase.txt
wc -l ATAC_increase_TRPS1_degron.bed
cut -f 1 -d " " mast_hits_unchanged.txt | sort | uniq | grep -v "#" | wc -l
wc -l ATAC_unchanged_TRPS1_degron.bed
Figure 4: TRPS1 motif