
Thank you to everyone who took MEDS5420 in 2023. Also, A big thanks to Leighton Core, who shared his Functional Genomics class content with me. Dr. Core developed much of the basic command line utilities text and examples that were reproduced with his permission.

1 Lecture 1: Introduction to High Throughput Sequencing Technology Lecture

Lecture 1 PDF
Lecture 1 Recording

2 Lecture 2: Command Line Basics (directories, head, wc, etc.)

Lecture 2 HTML
Lecture 2 Recording

3 Lecture 3: Command Line Basics (pipes, compression, and grep)

Lecture 3 HTML
Lecture 3 Recording

4 Lecture 4: Command Line Basics (find, cut, variables, scripting, and permissions)

Lecture 4 HTML
Lecture 4 Recording

5 Lecture 5: awk

Lecture 5 HTML
Lecture 5 Recording

6 Lecture 6: Logical operators, loops, and Xanadu (the UCHC computing server)

Lecture 6 HTML
Lecture 6 Recording

7 Lecture 7: Batch scripts, interactive sessions, and software installs

Lecture 7 HTML
Lecture 7 Recording

8 Lecture 8: Illumina data format, QC, and preprocessing

Lecture 8 HTML
Lecture 8 Recording

9 Lecture 9: fastx tools preprocessing

Lecture 9 HTML
Lecture 9 Recording

10 Lecture 10: Aligning Illumina data

Lecture 10 HTML
Lecture 10 Recording

11 Lecture 11: Transcription Factors Lecture

Lecture 11 PDF
Lecture 11 Recording

12 Lecture 12: Post-mapping processing with samtoola and bedtools

Lecture 12 HTML
Lecture 12 Recording

13 Lecture 13: The UCSC genome browser

Lecture 13 PDF
Lecture 13 HTML
Lecture 13 Recording

14 Lecture 14: ChIP-seq peak calling

Lecture 14 HTML
Lecture 14 Recording

15 Lecture 15: Analyze ChIP-seq peaks with bedtools and awk

Lecture 15 HTML
Lecture 15 Recording

16 Lecture 16: de novo motif analysis

Lecture 16 HTML
Lecture 16 Recording

17 Lecture 17: Motif queries to genomes and databases

Lecture 17 HTML
Lecture 17 Recording

18 Lecture 18: Introduction to R

Lecture 18 HTML
Lecture 18 Recording

19 Lecture 19: RNA-seq lecture

Lecture 19 PDF
Lecture 19 Recording

20 Lecture 20: R functions and plotting

Lecture 20 HTML
Lecture 20 Recording

21 Lectures 21-23: RNA-seq in the command line

Lecture 21-23 HTML
Lecture 21 Recording Lecture 22 Recording Lecture 23 Recording

22 Lectures 24-25: RNA-seq in R

Lecture 24-25 HTML
Lecture 24 Recording Lecture 25 Recording

23 Lectures 26-27: ATAC-seq

Lecture 26-27 HTML
Lecture 26 Recording Lecture 27 Recording